Zechao Cai

Systems Researcher

Zechao Cai will start his Ph.D. at the Department of Computer Science, Columbia University, where he will be co-advised by Prof. Jason Nieh and Prof. Gail Kaiser. He got his MSc in Computer Science from Zhejiang University in 2023 and his BE from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies in 2020.

He is enthusiastic about the science and art of designing, developing, and interconnecting software/hardware components to create systems that fulfill diverse goals. His research interests mainly focus on Operating Systems, Computer Architecture, and System Security.

In addition, he has a particular fondness for music and records collecting, especially Impressionism and Electronica. Meanwhile, he aspires to work towards becoming a music composer/arranger in the future.

For other info (e.g., publications), see ⬇️.


zechao [dot] cai [at] columbia [dot] edu

Department of Computer Science, Columbia University



Demystifying Pointer Authentication on Apple M1 🔗
Zechao Cai, Jiaxun Zhu, Wenbo Shen, Yutian Yang, Rui Chang, Yu Wang, Jinku Li, and Kui Ren
USENIX Security Symposium. 2023.

Apple PAC, Four Years Later: Reverse Engineering the Customized Pointer Authentication Hardware Implementation on Apple M1 🔗
Zechao Cai, Jiaxun Zhu, Yutian Yang, Wenbo Shen, and Yu Wang
Black Hat USA. 2023.


Demystifying Pointer Authentication on Apple M1 (Invited on-site talk).
Network and Information Security Lab @ Tsinghua University.

Demystifying Pointer Authentication on Apple M1 (Online talk)
USENIX Security '23. Aug 2023.

Apple PAC, Four Years Later: Reverse Engineering the Customized Pointer Authentication Hardware Implementation on Apple M1 (Online talk)
Black Hat USA 2023. Aug 2023.